My blog, like my life, has lost a little direction. It was started to update everyone on how life in Africa was treating me. I am not in Africa anymore. And, my life in San Francisco, while fun, is not as inspiring to write about.
So, what does one write about then?
Good Question... hopefully I will figure that out soon. But, until then you can read about mexico and admire our pictures.
You should take a picture a know, something cool or random that showcases your brilliant photographic eye....and then make up a good story to go with it...You know, like "I saw this fire hydrant on the way to work today. Crazy thing is that moments after taking a picture of it, the darn thing exploded and water gushed everywhere, soaking my camera so I couldn't take a picture of the AMAZING fountain of H2O.. I was lucky enough to make it out of there alive and by some miracle, I managed to salvage this solitary picture from my not-so-waterproof camera to share with you:) The end."
Or you could just hang out with us more and write about how much fun the Puhalas are;D
This one time, I went to a screening of ILM's effects reels (this was a while back, when I was in school). And they showed all of these amazing water effects and fire effects and blah blah effectidy effects. It was amazing. And afterword, when I went to catch a taxi home, the fire hydrant across the street blew up. It was just like I was watching more of ILM's wonderful reel. I had no camera though.
But really, true story.
so you are saying i should write a blog about exploding fire hydrants?
I think that is what she is saying.
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