Thursday, November 30, 2006

Turkey Day Pics

The stinky puppies of Thanksgiving:

Stinky Puppy #1: Sushi

Stinky Puppy #2: George

Stinky Suckling Puppy #3: Ruby

PJ Being attacked by the stinky puppy #1

Stinky Puppy #1 snuggling with Michelle

The Video Gaming of Turkey Day

Cooking Time

The babies of Thanksgiving

Our tour around and around and around.... Portland

Yaaay Turkey Day!


amila said...

So freaking awesome! Man, I wish we could have been there:( Looks like so much fun!

Kristie said...

it was so much fun!

amila said...

As much as I LOVE seeing all of these fabulous Thanksgiving pictures, November has long past and I think it's about time for you to post some pics from your mexico trip...pretty pleeeeeeeeease!