We played, we drank, and we slept.
We had tons of fun in Mexico. Our last big adventure was PJ's idea. We went on a zip line canopy tour. Unfortunately, I do not have any pictures of this. I did not want to risk bringing my very expensive camera only to see it drop 500 feet below me while I was hanging by a thin cord. I had enough to be scared/worried about, like my body dropping that 500 feet.
Okay, the cords were not that thin. And, I did not come close to falling (or at least that is what i was told). But, the guy in front of me did drop his camera once. Lucky for him I caught it and brought it to him at the next tree stand. So, at least one of my fears was rational.
This tour was fun and exciting and the views were beautiful. But to be honest, I was scared out of my mind the entire time. I highly recommend it for people who like a bit of a thrill 500 ft about ground at very high speeds. PJ loved it. And, I am glad I went. I was definitely the fastest one there because i was so scared i would scrunch into the tightest little ball i could and be done before the cord had a chance to break.
If you want to check out all the pictures from our vacation (or most of them atleast)
My Puerto Vallarta Pictures
To be honest, your harness did start to come loose toward the end. That one clip kept on popping off. Forutnately it was on your backside so you couldn't see it. I don't think you would have ridden any more lines if you'd known about it. You lived though. Yay :)
ooo don't say that PJ - we are doing the zip line tour in 2 weeks in Belize. you're supposed to say it's extremely fun AND SAFE!
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