We went to Mexico in January. It was some fun times. PJ didnt really want to go to Mexico, but now all he wants to do is go back. I convinced him to go by spending Thanksgiving with all his friends in Oregon. I made it sound like I was doing him a huge favor by going... when really, I wanted to go. Shhh dont tell.
While in Mexico we did some stuff PJ wanted to do and stuff I wanted to do. I think all in all we both ended up enjoying eachother's ideas.
We stayed in a condo instead of a hotel to be closer to the downtown area and save a little money. I had my heart set on having a pool at the condo, so we got one with a pool. PJ swam in it once. I fell asleep by it once. And, it was never used again.
We drank every night
We walked around a lot
We made friends with the wooden statues at our friends' hotel
Our friends from Texas, Sumi and Aaron came too.
They gave it two thumbs up as well.
Though i dont think they had quite as cool of a time as we did.
We saw a very pretty church.
And stayed in a very pretty condo.
This is our view!
Stay tuned for more fun adventures from Mexico.
Woo hoo!!! Yay for Mexico pictures!!! Looks like you guys had a blast! Thank you so much:) So, when are we gonna plan a group trip somewhere awesome like that? when?! WHEN?!?!
we loved Mexico. we're going back in 2 weeks (YAY!)
if you plan a group trip Amila count me in!
Will do Kristie:)
I wanna go back in two weeks! Ok Amila, lets get on this!
And secretly I really wanted to go to Mexico, but I used it as leverage for going up to Portland for Thanksgiving. Oooh, we're sneaky.
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