(Me hiding from calories)
I turned 25 this past Saturday. Weeks before, I was saddened by the fact that I would not be surrounded by close friends or family. Turns out, I was just being silly.
When it came to my birthday weekend I was surrounded by awesome friends and good times. No family was around, but the weekend's festivities by far made up for it.
The night before my birthday PJ and my friend Kevin took me to Greens, a vegetarian restaurant in San Francisco. It was very yummy indeed. I actually ended up eating PJ's meal because I liked his better and he was not really digging his at all.
For my birthday day PJ had originally planned a surprise activity for after I got off work. Unfortunately, it hinged on the weather being good, and the weather was not good. Despite this temporary set back, there was still a great night in store.
Instead of going go carting (the original plan), we ended up going to see the Oscar nominated shorts downtown. PJ has been raving about "The Danish Poet" since he first saw it, and so of course, I wanted to see it too. I am glad I did because it won for "Best Animated Short" at the Oscars.
Since I worked so late, we were not able to grab dinner before going to see the movie. But, as we arrived we found amazing, FREE, street parking, so the night was already off to an awesome start. After the movie going, we turned the corner and stepped into this little bar that was pretty much empty. And, while they did not have all the hard alcohol it took to make certain drinks I was craving, it had enough to keep me happy throughout the night.
I did not want the night to end, though I think everyone else I was with wanted it to end about two hours before it finally did. When we left the bar there was this neat little pizza place on our way back to the cars that was still open, so we stepped in and grabbed the bite to eat we missed out on before the movies.
So thank you to all you who came out and made my birthday. And thanks to all my dear friends from home that I could not celebrate with but called so they could take part if only for a little while.
Me jumping through the window I'm having so much fun
The friendly John Barleycorn bartender we (I) annoyed all night long with ridiculous drink requests like Appletini's and Buttery Nipples.
Patrik showing Amila where she is
Patrik and PJ making Alex out of focus by jumping in the picture
Patrik angry at me and PJ threatening me with a stick if we don't go home soon