When I arrived in Kenya, I was armed to the teeth with mosquito netting, bug repellent, Malaria pills. You name it, I had it to keep the mosquito's of me.
But when I got to the orphanage, the other volunteers assured me they had been there a month and never once been bitten by a mosquito.
So, I think good, I will still were bug repellent, but I need not bother with the mosquito netting. Which was good, because I could not seem to set it up just right. It would have been the same end result if I just slept with the mosquito netting wrapped around me. But, then of course, I would forget to put on repellent, thinking eh it's ok.
But, somehow, out of all the volunteers I have met, I am the only one who manages to get bitten. And, not just once. No, no, no... I have countless numbers of bites that are HUGE. On my hands, neck, legs, arms. I am a regular mosquito buffet.
Adding to my misery... Sarah left the day I left for safari. Sarah was there right when I came up to the orphanage, bubbling over with excitement and showing me everything. She taught me the ropes. She really made me feel welcome and not so nervous about people not liking me. She helped me see, volunteers come and go a lot around here, so who cares if most of them like you or not. They will probably be gone in a few days.
She broke me in to her eighth grade class so they would not intimidate me when I took over for her. And she made me feel very comfortable with them, especially because even after working with them for four weeks, she still forgets their names. I am sure I will do the same.
But, now she is gone, and now I am sad. But, I will carry with me all she taught me until I leave. Especially that it is ok to take Saturday off and sleep.
Hi Babe, I just love reading about all the wonderful experiences you are having. I thought I had sprayed all your clothes with enough repellent, unless your wearing the jeans I forgot to spray! Be careful! Miss you!
Love, Mom xoxoxo
haha PJ beat me to the no scratching thing!! DO NOT SCRACTH silly girl. You dont want to look ugly when you come back. Got the postcard...thanks for the wonderful and thoughtful picture :) I'm not that heartless...am I?? Ok time to take a nap in my non-mosquito room...
PS. I was the only one who ALWAYS got the damn mosquitos back home too and everyone made fun of me. I feel your pain :(
PSS...are we the only looser who are reading Cari's blogs everyday??
Now you know who loves you the most :)
Hey Carolyn! I am loving your blog! I've been reading it from the begining, but am horrible about commenting. Bad Amila...BAD. I thought I should just drop you a line and say hi! and let you know how much I am enjoying your stories. Sounds like you are having a wild adventure over there. I can't wait to see your pictures.
Anywho, I'll try to comment more. Oh yeah, and DON"T SCRATCH!! Seriously. :P
oh, there are more of us- but we're just reading....... and not scratching!
K, seriously, you expect me not to scratch! HA! Im dying over here. If hodapp is reading this, she may remember the blood and scars I always had from camp mosquitos.
live a little
scratch 'em up
but keep up with that malaria medication
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