I am living amongst many different people from many different places. Kenya, Canada, Belgium, Israel, Amsterdam, England. And somehow, I am the only one that understands everybody.
S: I have a lot of Pictures
J: Sisters? Really?
Me: P I C T U R E S
MT: How are you doing in this morning?
G: What?
MT: ::repeats::
G: What?
Me: She wants to know how you are doing.
P: My name is Poisey
D: Po... What?
P: Poisey
S: What?
Me: Poisey, it's like flowers.
There is more, but I will not share it all.
what did you say???
Wait just a minute - I think you may be a professional translator and you don't even know it...3 examples: (1) my family (2) the smokers commuting between LHS and Brainerd, and (3)your interpretive dance skills...I know you've been practicing!
Love Luce
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