I think I had the opposite reaction to Africa than most people do. I actually came back and became more materialistic.
In my defense, I think this was a pretty hard thing to do. I was never one for shopping or buying friviolously. The fact that I could afford to go to Africa and not go in to debt shows that fact. I like to save money, not spend it. And, in college, after going shopping I would forever feel guilty if I bought something I did not feel I absolutely needed.
Of course that changed a little when I started hanging out with Sumi. But, not so much that I would say I have an over abundance of clothing and shoes. There were many times I would go shopping, needing something, and come back empty handed because I decided I did not absolutely need it.
Same thing went with eating out, going to concerts, or anythingelse of the such.
But, I come back from Africa, out of a job and cannot stop buying: Buying, food, eating out, buying clothing, planning vacations. And, while i feel like I should feel guilty, especially after seeing how people live in Africa, I do not. I am missing the guilt.
I think I left my soul in Kenya.
haha...that's awesome! you're slowly becoming one of us :) PJ beware!
well you can't take it with you...
might as well have some fun with the money you have, while you still can...
you could always throw a few bucks at africa too
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