Thursday, August 24, 2006

I am protected from every bug... almost

"There is nothing that cannot be cured by sticking a huge freaking needle in your arm"

Today I finished up my prevention of "anything African." I am now immune to Hepatitis, Polio, Meningitis, Yellow Fever, Malaria, Typhoid, and Tetanus.

I am thankful that it is all over. I am a wuss when it comes to needles. So, this was a big deal for me. To protect myself, I had to go through the pain of a huge needle being lodged in my arm, the soreness that lasts four days after, and the side effects of having live viruses in my body. This better be worth it.

Apparently, this all will keep me safe and healthy while in Kenya. My mom has her doubts, however. I have been additionally advised not to touch anything or anyone or to go anywhere.

This will be a fun trip.

So any bug that tries to bite me will be very sorry at a futile attempt to spread, whatever it is they spread. Almost any bug that is.

Just days before leaving, I finally figure out why my cat, since we moved to San Fran, has been obsessively cleaning herself. She has fleas. Seeing as we spend every waking, and sleeping, moment together, I have fleas too.

I can treat my cat with Advantage to kill her fleas, but according to the directions, my skin should not come in to contact with the stuff.

Now, let us just put aside the fact that this makes me wonder how safe it is for my nine pound cat when it is not safe for my 100+ pound self. Putting that aside, how am I supposed to get rid of my fleas? There are shots to protect me from tons of little blood suckers in Kenya, but not the little blood suckers here in my home.

I wonder if they check for fleas at customs....

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