What a difference 5 degrees and sunshine makes. I left cold and rainy San Francisco this weekend for the sunshine of Austin, Texas. I forgot just how much I love the sunshine and how happy it can make a person.
Austin is a lot like San Francisco. It has a neat little downtown area with fun shops and fun bars surrounded by beautiful scenery. The downtown is, yes, a little smaller, and the surrounding area is a little more spread out, with not nearly as good public transit.
One nice thing about Austin that I have not found in other cities is clubs for 25 year olds and up. We went to Qua, a night club for 25 and up with a dance floor that has sting rays and water underneath. I have to say the biggest difference between Qua and any other night club was it was much less crowded, you do not have to worry about being hit on by 21 year olds and the bathrooms were much cleaner.
I love the shopping in Austin. Lots of outdoor malls and just fun shops downtown.
And the weather was gorgeous, did I mention the weather?